Popped to Perfection

Popped to Perfection

Kaye Borchers:
“I love that the popcorn machine always has an assigned place here. Our priorities are well in line.”


Every once in a while, we change desks here at Choice One. In our typical engineering fashion, there is a to-scale schematic of the office’s layout, and to Kaye’s point, there is ALWAYS a special, dedicated place for the popcorn machine. Because, priorities.


So why the new seat and popcorn machine assignments? First, if you hadn’t heard, we’re breaking ground on a building expansion at our Sidney office today and need to move folks to accommodate the gaping hole about to be cut in our building. Second, on the surface, this movement helps us get to know and learn from our coworkers. But in reality? We figure everyone should have to suffer sitting next to Mitch or Jeff Puthoff for some extended period of time.


No matter the office layout, our beloved popcorn machine will always be a star here at Choice One. It was featured in one of the first Choice One videos. It’s an indispensable resource shared generously by all, as exemplified by the shoving and elbowing that happens when fresh popcorn is on the line. And no matter the number or placement of employees in our office, we will always be darn sure that our popcorn machine receives a designated place of honor. (And for the record, the popcorn machine doesn’t want to be next to Jeff or Mitch, either.)