On Safari

On Safari

In honor of Choice One’s Kristi Moorman heading to Africa on a 10-week mission trip, Inquiring Mindsets want to know:
“Would you rather have an elephant trunk or a giraffe neck?”

Caray Schmiesing, Controller
“Elephant trunk—an easy extra grabber.” (Another tool to keep your kids from doing something silly, Caray?)
Jake Bertke, Project Design Engineer
“Elephant trunk. To make it easy to pick up all the food I drop.” (At least dropped food is less messy than spilled drinks, right Nick Selhorst?)

Troy Niese, Project Design Engineer
“Giraffe neck so I don’t have to get out of my seat every time I check to see if Jeff Puthoff is here–I’d be able to see over the cubicle wall from my seat.” (You mean you can’t hear the awkward clump of his cowboy boots, Troy?)
Megan Bornhorst, Administrative Assistant
“Giraffe neck. I’d look great in turtleneck sweaters.” (Both functional AND fashionable, Megan!)