For Old Time’s Sake

For Old Time’s Sake

Lexy Bolin:
“Today I’ll be reminding Jeff Puthoff he’s old.”

Each morning the Choice One crew meets on Zoom to quickly discuss what each of us is working on. It helps us to know where help is needed and keeps us focused and accountable. And, of course, it wouldn’t be a Choice One conversation if we didn’t give each other a hard time, no matter how short the meeting.


January 27th is Lexy’s work anniversary at Choice One. So on her calendar, she made a recurring note to “Remind Jeff Puthoff he’s old.” This tradition, now seven years old, is about how young Lexy seemed to Jeff when she started and how old that made Jeff feel (Lexy is 26 years younger than Jeff). And so Lexy rightfully reminds Jeff of his oldness each January 27th and allows all of us to hold her accountable for what is clearly her most important, most crucial task of the day.


So what will Jeff be working on? “Crying for two hours in the bathroom,” thanks to Lexy’s yearly age statement. Good thing we put in some extra bathrooms over the past few years. We wouldn’t want to interrupt Jeff’s realization he hasn’t been getting any younger. Happy seventh anniversary, Lexy–may Jeff’s tears be a well-earned gift!