23 Jan Craig No. 2
“Tony, didn’t I ride my bike to the Loveland office before you did? Slacker.”
– Craig Eley

Two points of recent Choice One Engineering bravery:
- Hiring another traffic engineer to join the ridiculously intense Matt/Mitch/Allan traffic debates.
- Hiring another cycling geek like Tony.
Both converge into one new green shirt: Craig Eley*, a cycling enthusiast and former ODOT District 7 Traffic and Safety Engineer, who has joined the Choice One team. With Craig on board, hopefully the rest of us are off the hook and no longer have to pretend to listen when Tony talks about “riding centuries” or the finer points of the fit of a perfect saddle (that’s a bike seat to the rest of us).
Craig’s comment references the fact that despite Choice One opening a Loveland office in 2011, avid cyclist Tony has yet to ride his bike from Sidney to Loveland (though it has been promised many times), where the Little Miami Bike Trail passes literally 20 feet from the Loveland office door. However, Craig (along with former co-workers Matt Parrill, Gail Gildow and Randy Chevalley) has ridden his bike to the Loveland Office. And obviously, Craig has quickly caught on to the importance and enjoyment of beating Tony at anything, even if it does mean starting his ride at Urbana as opposed to Sidney. Winning.
Welcome to Choice One, Craig. We are all hoping you like soccer as well. That way you can absorb Tony’s boring soccer talk, too.
*And yes, if you’re counting, that makes two Craigs, three Michaels, two Nicks, three Jeffs, two Allans/Allens, two Ryans, three Brians, and a partridge in a pear tree.