Running on Empty

Running on Empty

“Kaye, I can’t believe someone from Choice One could run out of green.”
– Nick Selhorst

Hopefully, you can empathize with Kaye, as most of us have been there: you arrive at a destination, let’s say the annual County Engineers’ Association of Ohio Conference an hour and a half away in Columbus, and realize you’ve forgotten your purse/wallet. Oh, and you’re out of gas and have to pay for parking.

We’ve all undoubtedly experienced that moment of panic when we wonder if we shut off the oven, locked the door, or turned off the car’s headlights so we don’t have to ask for a jumpstart twice in one day. After a moment of such panic, Kaye called up her local County Engineer, Shelby County’s Bob Geuy in hopes that he was in attendance. (Hey, she lives in Shelby County, so she votes for him every four years. He owes her, right?) But after reaching Bob’s voicemail, she remembered another friend, Montgomery County Senior Engineer Stephanie Goff, was presenting at the conference. A personally embarrassing, laughter-filled conversation later, Stephanie graciously loaned Kaye cash for parking
and gas.

We’re all human, and it’s humbling to be reminded that we have friends who understand and care (and can act as an impromptu ATM in a pinch). Thanks again, Stephanie, for paying it forward… literally.