The Mullet of Choice One

The Mullet of Choice One

“Matt, in the mullet of Choice One, you’re the business in the front and I’m the party in the back.”
-Kaye Borchers

…and apparently, the “Mullet of Choice One” is an unnatural shade of coppery polyester.

If you haven’t caught on yet, we like to enjoy ourselves here at Choice One. Indeed, when you’re dealing with “sanitary effluent” all day, it’s hard not to at least accidentally make a few humorous comments now and again.

Of course just like a mullet, there still has to be some business happening in the front to run an engineering company. But that business (and it’s occasional unpopular companions frustration, tedium, and anxiety) is bearable when it’s partnered with good-natured teasing, Friday afternoon pizza, or a synthetic mullet wig.

Jeff Puthoff used to have a real mullet. Perhaps there could be a future Mindset relating to that photo. Surely many of you would like to see that. Any suggestions?