Nick Sanders: “Do you have all the formulas in that spreadsheet cell-protected?”

Matt Hoying: “I have six copies hidden around the world.”

Here’s Matt being nerdy as Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory and… well, a nerd. Ironically in a green and purple striped shirt. When Matt creates a fancy Excel spreadsheet with mathematical formulas that look like this…
…you don’t want to mess it up.
For a moment we might enjoy thinking of the torture Matt experienced creating such a formula, since it makes most of our stomachs turn (e.g. math makes Kaye cry). Yet Matt surely stayed up all night, giggling like a kid on Christmas, not wanting the fun to end as he lovingly crafting his precious creation. For at Choice One, we take unlikely delight in tasks others might avoid: deciphering property deeds from the 1800s, keeping track of thousands of vehicle turns in a traffic count, and hanging out near sanitary lagoons.


The reason? We get to use our history-loving, spreadsheet-making, dirt-moving sides. In other words, our sheer nerd-ness. And clearly, Matt makes a good nerd–both in practice and appearance.