February 2023

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Matt Hoying: “We went from barely keeping one plant alive to now having two.”   Despite all the green around here, not all of us have green thumbs. While many of us garden and farm outside the office, the peace...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Jacqueline Huelskamp: “Thanks for letting me wear your sleeping bag, Andy.” If it isn’t engineer Michael Goettemoeller letting us know how cold it is in the office, it’s definitely landscape architect Jacqueline Huelskamp. Luckily, engineer Andy Shuman noticed Jacqueline’s...