Knot Guilty

Knot Guilty

Matt Lefeld: “I just want to note that I had nothing to do with this!”

A likely story, Matt Lefeld. Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time? Sounds like a Ryan Francis excuse.

Administrative professional Abbey Swick, on the left, may be fairly new to Choice One, but it doesn’t take long to want to keep another Matt—pesky president Matt Hoying—out of her hair by rigging the door to his office shut with a length of rope. What Abbey didn’t account for, though, was Matt Hoying’s craftiness: he climbed out of his office window to spoil Abbey’s prank. That Matt Lefeld just “happened” to be in the vicinity? A likely story, indeed.

Whether Matt Lefeld was accidentally caught in the crossfire or lent Abbey his knowledge on knots, one thing is for sure: when there is a Choice One Matt in the vicinity, there will be smiles (indeed, surveyor Matt West even draws smiles from random canine helpers)! Smiling or not, don’t stop aggravating those Matts for us, Abbey. Thanks for tying… er, trying!