Creatures of Habit

Creatures of Habit

Kaye Borchers:
“I’m already practicing writing ‘Frizz’ in my mind.”

It’s Christmas card signing time again, and surveyor Craig Frilling thought of switching things up this year and signing his nickname “Frizz” instead of “Craig” on the COEC Christmas card. Sounds like a simple thing to do, but when you’re signing your name 1,000 times, it’s important to pick the simplest, shortest version (to hurry along this most anticipated task) and internalize it for great speed and accuracy.


If you’re new to the world of Choice One, you’re likely to find that we have a few unexpected traditions. Yes, every single one of us hand-signs every Christmas card we send. (If you missed the card this year, it’s worth checking out here.) New employees are required to buy doughnuts with their first paycheck. We don’t have bosses–although we use Bosses’ Day an excuse to eat pie. And we have a tireless, long-standing tradition of giving each other a hard time evidenced by this: the official 200th Mindset!


Frizz, we don’t want you to spend too much effort working on your new signature. Especially since “Craig” and “Frizz” technically have the same number of letters if you didn’t notice. Besides, you’ll get PLENTY of practice signing your nickname 1,000 times next year.