
Choice Mindsets

Choice Mindsets

Megan Bornhorst:
“To satisfy 81% of the company, Jeff should regrow his mullet, then grow bangs and perm them.”


We occasionally use anonymous surveys to collect vital feedback on crucial initiatives at Choice One. Since Jeff Puthoff cut his mullet when Choice One was founded in 1994, we thought that maybe, 22 years later, we should give him the encouragement to grow it back.

Once Jeff agrees to this hairstyle change, we’re pretty sure it could transform Choice One for the better. For instance, he would save five full minutes each month not having to sit for his signature single-length buzz cut—that’s an entire hour each year. Think of all that extra time he can spend managing projects! And then there’s all the style points and attention he’s going to earn at White Snake and Def Leppard concerts. With his Choice One tattoo and with a green shirt always on, there is no limit to the brand recognition we can achieve!

If nothing else, Jeff, consider this: 81% of our company equals about 28 people, and each threw in $1, we could buy you a nice lunch for your efforts. And we’re willing to bet that a few of our Mindset readers might throw in a dollar, too. Heck, you might get TWO lunches out of this. Combine that with all your extra time and hairband concert fame, and this crucial initiative is clearly a no-brainer.

Inquiring Mindsets want to know:
“What feat might get you into the Guinness Book of World Records?”

Brian Goubeaux, Designer
“Hairiest legs.” (Although we think number of kidneys [three] might be some kind of record, too.)

Matt Hoying, Project Manager
“The most unnecessarily long excel equation.”

 Brian Schmidt, Project Manager
“Number of ‘ums’ in a two-minute high school speech: 32.” (We don’t need Matt’s unnecessarily long equation to know that’s an ‘um’ every 3.75 seconds, Schmidty.)

Ryan Lefeld, Project Manager
“Eating 10 Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers from Wendy’s in one sitting.” (Geez Ryan, that’s Brian Schmidt-esc!)

Jeff Puthoff:
“I think we should require every employee to get a new Choice One logo tattoo. That’s real ‘branding.’”

Coming to a green shirt near you: the new Choice One logo! Our awesomely talented graphic designer Kecia (above, with Jeff) has been working to update our logo to be a little more readable and a lot more, well, Choice One. What do you think?

Believe it or not, it’s been ten years since we last tweaked our logo. So ten years ago, in 2006…

  • The one billionth song was purchased from iTunes. Don’t worry Nick Sanders, it was not Kenny Rogers’s Lady—that’s just been played one billion times at Choice One, just for you.
  • We hosted the first cornhole-centered Choice One Charity Cup. You’re welcome for not having to see us un-athletic “clowns” like Jeff Puthoff trip over their big feet on the golf course anymore.
  • Portland engineer Ryan Lefeld played football for St. Henry in the Division V 2006 State Championship. Even in high school Ryan was far more successful at football in 2006 than his beloved 4-and-12 Cleveland Browns.

In 2026 we might look back at this logo change and fondly remember that it was the year of the new refrigerator, Flat Tony, and how we still only had two bathrooms. At least we hope we have another bathroom by then… However, we think we can predict two things: Kecia will still be awesome, and our shirts will still be green.

Megan Bornhorst:
“I don’t know what’s more exciting: Tony cleaning his office, or the new refrigerator?”

This week, Tony has been busy straightening up his office with a thorough cleaning. The commotion has drawn most of us in to chuckle at hairstyles in old photos, kid Tony about a resume rejection letter he kept from 1984 (he claims he was rejected 500 times—why he kept just this one letter is a mystery), and admire the impressive stack of outdated textbooks older than half the staff at Choice One.

Apparently, as exemplified in the hidden-camera-esc photos above, equally exciting this week is the new refrigerator delivered to the Sidney office. Upon finding the original 2001 paperwork for the old fridge (likely amongst the cobwebs on Tony’s shelves), we realized that it was time to provide our larger 2016 staff a little more space to play refrigerator Jenga with lunches, Canteen soda, and leftovers.

While these two events may seem unrelated, they’re actually well-timed, as we will need more space for another engineer: we are currently searching for a new, full-time engineer for our Loveland office*. The new fridge will offer that future engineer a place to keep his or her bologna sandwich cold on company meeting days, and with Tony’s office now cleaner, we can consider partitioning off a space for that third restroom we’ve been dreaming of. And maybe, with Tony’s office space doubling as the third restroom, something can FINALLY get accomplished in there, whether he’s around or not.

*Know a civil engineer looking for a job who wouldn’t mind being picked on in a Choice Mindset? Send him or her our way!

Inquiring Mindsets want to know:
“If you were a traffic sign, what would you be?”

Megan Bornhorst, Chronic Hugger
“”This crazy directional sign, as I feel I am going a million different directions with my kids, and I like its inspirational ‘good luck’ message.”
Ryan Lefeld, Potential Cleveland Browns Draft Pick
“As a lefty, I would be the ‘no right turn sign.'”
Brittany Clinehens, Professional Christmas Decorator
“‘Use Crosswalk, Don’t Jaywalk,’ because my third-grade self entered a school safety contest with the same phrase. I thought I was being clever by rhyming ‘walk’ with ‘walk.'”
Tony Schroeder, Coffee Machine Repairman
“‘One Way.’ I am an introverted engineer who likes things a certain way… which I believe, of course, is the right way.”

Craig Eley:

“I bring in an apple a day. Next company meeting quiz I’m going to put it on Tony’s desk to hopefully get an A.”

If Choice One were an elementary school, clearly Craig’s actions would obviously get him voted Teacher’s Pet. Company quiz buttering-up is probably the only reason Craig rides a bicycle like Tony, too. Brown-noser!


So what would Choice One Elementary be like? Well, with 30-ish engineers and surveyors around here (not to mention a couple of accountants), it’s no surprise that Math is the favorite subject. Likewise, Spelling, Grammar, English, or anything else relating to the articulation of words would be the least favorite subject.* Art Class would elicit practical straight lines and squares, no curves or circles. Nap time would never be contested. Snack time would never be missed. And recess would consist of endless rounds of Red Light/Green Light.


To close, with Craig Eley clearly the Teacher’s Pet, we know you’re all wondering “who is the Teacher’s Pest?” Based on his tendency to have incorrect opinionsconcerning important extracurricular activities such as WhirlyBall, it would likely be Matt Hoying. And Class Clown? Jeff Puthoff, big shoes and all.


*Unless you’re Kaye, for whom Spelling, Grammar, and English are all amazing.