Lasting Impressions

Lasting Impressions

Camille Puthoff:
“Boss: ‘Who brought donuts?’ Me: ‘Not Jeff Kunk.’”

Clearly, we here at Choice One (or rather Jeff Kunk’s lack of donuts here at Choice One) made a lasting impact on last year’s summer helper Camille. While working for the Midmark Corporation in Versailles this summer, she had the above conversation with her boss. Most amusingly, her boss has no idea who Jeff Kunk is—only that he’s never bought donuts. Seriously, Jeff Kunk, who DOESN’T know at this point?!

Lasting impacts are made frequently at Choice One. Brittany left a lasting impact on Kaye’s head when she smashed it against the wall with a heavy box. Caray and Ryan Francis have both made some temporary “impacts” (as in ruts) while getting vehicles stuck in various muddy locales. And we’d be remiss not to point out the impact Tony endured when he gave himself a concussion playing sand volleyball.

Of course we can’t forget to mention the recent impact our clients and friends made for a local young man and his family through the Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association–an impact that is a direct result of everyone’s generosity at the 2015 Charity Cup. Click here to read the amazing, heartwarming thank you letter.

Camille, we’re pleased as punch to know you still think of our impact on you even as you continue your education as an electrical/mechanical engineer. If you want to come over to the dark (i.e. “green”) side and consider civil engineering as a career choice, we’ll show you all the benefits over a cup of coffee. And donuts (not purchased by Jeff Kunk).